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Scandocfa Per Docfa 4 12 UPDATED 🔼


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In a comparison with $\alpha^n$ vs. $n^\alpha$, does $n$ or $\alpha$ equal $\infty$?

In a comparison with $\alpha^n$ vs. $n^\alpha$, does $n$ or $\alpha$ equal $\infty$?
For example, is it correct to say that $\forall \alpha \in \mathbb{R}$, $\alpha^n$ is more strongly bounded than $n^\alpha$ for $n$ big enough?


The inequality is true as stated. There are many counterexamples if you change the inequality sign to $\gt$ instead of $\geq$. One example is $\alpha=\omega+1$, $n=\omega+2$. This is because $n\in\mathbb N\cap\omega+1$ but $\alpha^n\in\mathbb Q$ and $n^\alpha\in\mathbb R\setminus\mathbb Q$.

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Is there a way to test that a class has been written with the test-driven approach?

I was thinking about classes that are written with the test-driven approach. I wonder if there is a way to validate that the class has been written with test-driven in order to have a positive feedback (with the corresponding analysis on the coding and design)?


The first thing I thought of was a static analysis tool, such as CLASP: Static Analysis Tool for Object-Oriented Programs.
CLASP, from the abstract:

The purpose of this project is to develop a collection of software tools which support the testing and static analysis of object-oriented programs. It is based on a novel, design-by-analysis approach. In the design-by-analysis approach, the compiler processes the program as a series of stages (in which it visits the program object graph), each stage being a declarative description of the current state of the program. In a design-by-analysis approach, the first, semantic, stage of compiler interpretation is the analysis stage.


Outputting WPF with VS2010

I know VS2010 already has WPF support but I do not know how to even to even start this.I read a link on how to output to WPF, I would like to do this for my main project to output it to WPF
So can I do this easily or will I have to start from scratch using C# and WPF.NET 4.0 which is not too hard but time consuming?