Architettura Del Mondo Antico Bozzoni Pdf 23 😀

Architettura Del Mondo Antico Bozzoni Pdf 23 😀


Architettura Del Mondo Antico Bozzoni Pdf 23


. Architettura Del Mondo Antico Bozzoni Pdf 23
Archeologia e architettura dell’Urbe – Download.
La velocità ha un limite massimo dal punto di vista materiale aumentare le dimensioni delle architetture significa anche aumentare la velocità dei corpi e degli spiriti.
. 23 [a cura di BARTOLOMEO CECCHETTI], Venezia, Tipografia del Regio Dipartimento .
Naturism Nudist Kids.
. ÂQ:

How can I detect if a user pressed a link in a web page

Is there any way to know that a user has just clicked a link in a Webpage?
I want to show an alert saying that the user has been redirected to another page (and not redirect him in that way).
I know that:

there is a way to detect the element clicked.

Is there any method to know if the user clicked somewhere within the DOM?

is the user using a browser (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari..).

Regarding Nimesh Kumar’s answer, I must add that I mean using JavaScript (but a pure JS solution would also be acceptable).
What I would like is a pure JS solution, if that’s possible, or a mix of JS and Jquery (but using Jquery is not mandatory).


You could use the link click event :

var button = document.getElementById(‘myButton’);

button.addEventListener(‘click’, function(e) {
if ( == ‘A’) {
// Do what you want.
// =’red’; // If you want to see if the link is wrapped in A tag.



You can use mousedown event of the

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