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Guzzle not setting cookie when using $request->getConfig()

Here is my code:
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();

$request = $client->createRequest(‘GET’, ”, [‘Config’ => [‘cookie_headers’ => [‘X-Smartenly-Full-Pricing’] ]]);

$request->getConfig()->setCookieParams([‘cookielabel’ => ‘cookielabel’]);

$request->setHeaders([‘cookie’ => ‘cookielabel’]);


Both return array(0), array(0).


You have to use setCookies, not setHeaders.

Evaluation of new generation fiber optic sensors for blood glucose measurement and their advantages over the “gold standard” glucose oxidase.
A protocol for measuring the absolute concentrations of glucose in plasma using a new generation fiber optic biosensor has been developed. The protocol consists of the following steps: (1) separation of plasma from whole blood, (2) measurement of the pH and ionic strength of plasma and the optical density of the plasma, (3) addition of oxygen to the plasma to allow formation of hydrogen peroxide, (4) addition of a glucose oxidase coupling antibody to form the glucose oxidase-enzyme-antibody conjugate, and (5) separation of the glucose from the hydrogen peroxide and the enzyme-antibody coupling antibody-glucose oxidase conjugate. The glucose electrode has been calibrated in vitro and in vivo against the glucose oxidase reference method and in vitro against the conventional UV method, and has an analytical sensitivity of 20.7 micrograms/dl and a variation of 0.

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I fixed the issue by configuring my system correctly.
I installed Windows 7 version – key was most important.
After that I used Microsoft Font Cache Cleaner.
And finally I just re-installed the fonts.

How to Manage WordPress and Other Popular CMS For Education?

How to Manage WordPress and Other Popular CMS For Education?

Scalable Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress and other are an inevitable part of every organization. In the fact that the number of organizations are increasing day by day, the quantity of content has been growing as well.

As the content is expanding, ensuring a simple means of accessing the content is required.

For a long time, WordPress was ranked as the primary CMS, however, the present edition of the CMS comprises of many new features and functions.

It is advised that you choose the best CMS for the job at hand.

This has to include the availability of a wide range of themes for use. Since WordPress is very popular and used for many enterprises, it has a wide variety of themes that may help you achieve your goals.

However, for educational institutions, customizations and modifications need to be in place and in this case, there are few CMS available that take into account the educational culture and set of requirements.

Therefore, this would be the best way to go for these particular organizations. Here are some of the most popular CMS for the educational field.


If your institution follows the American educational system, then WordPress will be a good choice.

It is an extremely popular platform with the ability to get WordPress themes that were customized to cater to the needs of an educational institution.

There are thousands of WordPress themes available online and it will be necessary for you to do extensive research in order to get