Oolong For JEdit Download PC/Windows

Oolong for jEdit is a useful and easy-to-use jEdit plugin that helps you decompile Java class files, generate HEX dumps of any file etc.
With the help of Oolong for jEdit you have the possibility to compile Oolong files using automatically generated line numbers or debugging information.







Oolong For JEdit Free

This plugin will make your jEdit easier and more comfortable to use.

Show / Hide Folders Contents

Another good feature we use in Oolong for jEdit is its capability to show or hide the contents of a folder. You can specify a folder to show or hide its contents. By default Oolong for jEdit does not show its own folder contents (as in the folder is hidden). But you can enable it if you want.

Generate Hex Dump

Oolong for jEdit Features
This plugin allows you to decompile Java classes, generate HEX dumps of any file, and you can even generate a File Manager image.
Decompile Java Classes
Generate HEX Dumps of any file
Generate File Manager
Generate JSON dump
Generate XStream dump
Generate XML dump

Available Scripts

All scripts are stored in the plugin folder and are available from the menu.

Shell Scripts

Uninstall Oolong for jEdit
Advanced Scripts
Generate Hex Dump
Generate HEX Dump
Generate XStream
Generate JSON
Generate XML
Generate File Manager
Generate JSON of file with icons and text
Generate JSON of file with icons and text and line numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers
Generate Line Numbers

Oolong For JEdit Activation Code With Keygen [32|64bit]

Tool for decompiling Java code and viewing in a friendly manner.
Saves the decompiled code as a new.java file which can be used in any normal java compiler.
Generates a “Decompiled Code” directory which contains all the generated.java files.

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Oolong For JEdit

Oolong for jEdit is a handy plugin for Java code editing.
Its main purpose is to unpack the original Java code, even into runtime compiled mode, i.e. change its original layout into a nicer one.

Oolong for jEdit can decompile Java class files, convert HEX (0x) files into actual binary data and replace all byte values in Java code, so you will be able to edit it completely.

Oolong for jEdit has powerful features to process binary file types such as JPEG, PNG, EXE, INI, HTML, FON, TTF, SVGF and more.
It has also a lot of options to print some things on your screen, for example line numbers, the original code etc.
Oolong for jEdit can even process automatically generated line numbers, the original code into an original layout with line numbers or other things.
In another way, it has one of the most powerful conditional evaluation features for Java code.
Oolong for jEdit is very good and fast, and it is 100% free.

Oolong for jEdit can be used directly or as a plug-in for jEdit.
All decompile functions are also available with the unlimited edition of jEdit.
Oolong for jEdit requires at least jEdit 4.5.2.

All operations that are available in Oolong are described in more detail in their individual sections.

Oolong for jEdit uses the Oolong.jar libraries which can be downloaded from the project homepage.

Oolong for jEdit Features

Oolong for jEdit supports most of jEdit’s and Oolong’s features.

Oolong for jEdit is 100% free and is highly recommended for jEdit users to try it.

Oolong for jEdit is a plugin for jEdit version 4.x.
Oolong for jEdit works with the latest version of jEdit 4.x.x and supports all of jEdit’s and Oolong’s features.

Oolong for jEdit is Open Source and is 100% free.
The source code of Oolong for jEdit and all libraries can be downloaded from the project homepage.

Oolong for jEdit has two versions; one is the version as a plugin for jEdit

What’s New in the?

This plugin is a part of the oolong project.

This tool is designed to help Java developers work with.class files.
Oolong is free software. It’s released under GPL v3 license.

For more information, take a look at the Oolong home page.

How to use:

1) Install this plugin to the default plugin directory (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jedit\plugins\).
2) Take a look into the Help menu of Oolong for jEdit to get started.

There is a ‘compile’ menu in the plugin.
Each option in this menu will take some time to decompile and recompile Java code.
In a normal case you have 2 options to make it simpler.

Option 1: (Default) Load all Java bytecode and decompile it all in one shot.
Make sure the “compile” menu has the “ALL” option checked.
You could hit the ‘decompile’ button or the F9 key to trigger the decompile process.
If you did not check the ‘compile’ menu, you need to press ‘decompile’ button

Option 2: (Opens options in a dialog for you to adjust various compile options.)
If you know what you are doing, you could check ‘ALL Java Bytecode’ option.

Let’s say you want to decompile 3 files and be back at “ALL Java Bytecode” option and decompile it again.

If not check “ALL Java Bytecode” and hit the ‘decompile’ button. The decompile will begin.
Now, check “ALL Java Bytecode” and hit the F9 key to decompile it.

NOTE: By default, the ‘decompile’ menu will be closed before the decompile process begins.
You have to click “Decompile Again” to reopen it.
Also, you could get the decompile log file in your default ‘Decompile Log Directory’,
but there is no Java editor opened. You have to close it to read the log file.

Example usage:

I have 4 Java files in the following order:


When I decompile with these options:

Option 1: (Default

System Requirements:

Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 with 512MB RAM
Intel Pentium 4 Processor 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon64 Processors
4GB free disk space
Recommended Minimum RAM: 4GB
Recommended Minimum CPU: Intel Pentium 4 Processor 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon64 Processors
4GB free disk space Minimum Recommended RAM: 4GB Recommended Minimum CPU: Intel Pentium 4 Processor 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon64 Processors
How to install:
Download and extract the archive
