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This section covers the basics of color correction in Photoshop, not the other tools available in Photoshop, such as the Curves dialog box and Levels. There are many great resources online that cover these other features and offer tips and tricks for using these tools.

Photoshop offers five different ways to modify and correct a color image’s color:

* **Black Point**. This tool allows you to adjust the black point of the image, changing the levels of black and white based on the selected point. Figure 4-4 shows the Black Point tool with a selected point.
* **Colorize**. This tool changes the color of an image based on a color swatch that is placed over the image. After selecting a color swatch, the tool’s Settings dialog box allows you to modify various settings related to color. Figure 4-5 shows the Colorize tool set to a default skin color.

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Learn to use Photoshop Elements to edit photos, create new high-quality images or both.

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Some of the features Photoshop Elements provides include:


Animated GIF




Printing, scanning and more

It also provides numerous editing functions in simple ways. These include brightness, contrast, colours and saturation.

Creativity tutorials

The bottom of this article contains a list of resources that can help you get started with Photoshop. It also has different Photoshop elements guides that may help you make images better.



Live tutorials

Photoshop tutorials

Photoshop Elements help

Learn to edit images with Photoshop Elements

Before you edit images, Photoshop Elements should be opened.

Make sure that the image you are going to edit is selected on the left side menu.

You will also need to know the menu name, usually in the right-hand corner. You can see the name of the menu on the top left.

1. Open tools

If there are any tools that you are not using, then you can open the folder to their left on the left side menu. They will then appear in the toolbox to the right.

Go to the folders you want to open and press Enter on the keyboard or click the yellow arrow.

2. Open the tool you want

Click on the toolbox menu to open the options you want.

3. Open the menu

You can now see all of the items in the menu. You can open the tools you want and use them by moving the mouse.

Some of the tools are in the menu box, while others are on the left side bar.

The tools are shown in the sequence you have selected them. The things you can do with the different tools are shown in the menu box.

4. Move the tools

The mouse can be used to move the tools. When you are done, click on the tools you have selected to edit the image.

5. Select the tool you want

Choose the tool you want and drag it down below the image. There will be a tag in the menu box so you can choose it.

6. Select the photo you want to edit

Click on the photo you want to edit and hold the mouse button. There will be a green

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Estradiol-induced down-regulation of estrogen receptor alpha in the mouse pituitary.
Estradiol (E2) rapidly and transiently induces the expression of the estrogen receptor (ER) gene (P-ER-1) in pituitary somatotropes and lactotropes. This induction is followed by a rapid and sustained reduction in the level of immunodetectable ER. We now report that E2 also reduces the level of immunodetectable ERalpha. A rapid decrease in ERalpha mRNA was seen after 1 h and was maximal after 3 h. ERalpha mRNA was decreased to a similar extent in the anterior and intermediate lobes of the pituitary, which lack the stimulatory effect of E2 on P-ER-1. The half-life of ERalpha mRNA, as measured by nuclear run-on transcription, decreased similarly, suggesting that the decrease in mRNA was due to rapid mRNA turnover. No change in the half-life of P-ER-1 mRNA was seen, suggesting that the effect was specific for ERalpha. Our results show that E2 rapidly and directly reduces the level of immunodetectable ERalpha in the pituitary, through a reduction in ERalpha mRNA. These studies show that rapid repression of the ERalpha gene may be an additional mode of action of E2 in the pituitary.List of junctions in Leicestershire

The former rail network in Leicestershire was run and maintained by the Midland Railway, and a large percentage of the network was formed of branch lines. Some of these have closed, but the route is now maintained by Network Rail and forms part of the East Midlands main line, and is part of the East Coast Main Line.

Railway junctions

See also
List of branch lines in Leicestershire


Category:Rail transport in Leicestershire

title: “How to: Set user access control” “02/02/2017”
– “csharp”
– “vb”
ms.assetid: 16206c9f-28bd-446e-ac7d-fcc1af97d7a3

# How to: Set user access control

Specifies that your application should check for user access control before making a service

What’s New in the?

[Cervical osteosarcoma of the lamina. Report of one case].
A case of osteosarcoma of the cervical spine in a young male is reported. The tumour was located in the posterior arch of the third cervical vertebra, producing pain and mild neurologic symptoms. The patient was treated with partial vertebrectomy, according to Gertz with excellent result. The surgical and therapeutic aspects are discussed. A brief review is made of the literature.Q:

How to redirect from a subdirectory to a html page

I have been trying to redirect from my login directory to a html page but my route doesnt seem to work as it isnt redirecting me there.
public function loginAction()
$this->request->data = new Zend_Controller_Request_Http();
$data = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$session = Zend_Registry::get(‘session’);


the script is in the users/form.php page. and i am trying to route it from the login/controller/login.php
Thanks in advance.


You can use the initPlugin function of Zend_Controller_Front. It’s called after the controller is instantiated. The following is taken from the Zend framework manual.

On the Run!


It’s not tested, but hopefully you get the idea.

More than 10s of millions of people are killed by vehicle accidents each year. In addition to the human cost, those accidents also account for nearly 40% of total pollution emissions in the United States. As such, creating safer vehicles and developing better technologies are among the most pressing issues in modern industrial society. In all, a rather formidable challenge. Yet, human self-driving cars are already here

System Requirements:

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+, AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+, Intel Core 2 Duo E7400
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX, AMD Radeon HD 5770 or newer
Memory: 4 GB RAM
OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
Peripherals: Keyboard, Mouse, Headset
Ports: HDMI, DisplayPort, Optical, USB 3.0
HDD: 800 MB free space
Sound Card: Integrated Sound Card
Software: V-